Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How Rude! (In that Stephanie Tanner sort of voice)

As most of you might know, today is Ash Wednesday. It is the day that marks the beginning of the Lenten season for all Catholics. Well, as the good Catholic girl that I was raised to be, I of course went to church. While sitting in the back of the church, where I normally reside on a weekly basis, I was thinking my own thoughts and preparing myself for Mass to begin when I hear these two guys talking. I don't mind a little bit of talking, but this was getting to be disturbing to me and I am sure to others around me as well. It's one thing if you want to talk about getting drunk back in high school and how your mom told you to not take pulls from a vodka bottle but to be classy and at least drink from a glass, but this is something you might talk about when you are at a party with friends not when you are sitting at church. I may be the queen of inappropriate comments, but I do know that Mass is not the time and place to start blurting them out. 

Anyways, these two guys carried on for almost the whole duration of Mass. They were talking about finding a date at church, checking into places on Facebook, how they were excited to go to Harry's, a local bar, after Mass, blah blah blah. I too do the whole 'look around the church to see who is cute and possibly available' thing, I check into Facebook when I go paces, and I love to visit Uncle Harry once in awhile. But I honestly feel that when you are at Mass you should be reverent and not disturbing others around you. I had half a notion to turn around and say something to them, but I bit my tongue and instead said a little prayer for the two of them. Maybe they will stumble across this blog and realize how rude they were being to not only the people around them, but also to God. 

On another note, I am so thankful for my family, especially my younger brother! If I didn't have him at school with me this year, I would have definitely been late to student teaching. So you are probably wondering what this story is all about.....well, let me inform you of the the great way I started out my Mardi Gras. I just ran out the door to leave for school since I always tell myself that I am going to leave earlier than I did the day before so that I have more time to get ready class. I did exit my apartment door at the time I wanted, but as I am sitting in my car ready to back out of my parking space I look in my rear-view mirror and see nothing better than a parked car. Yes, a parked car that was parked directly behind my car keeping me from leaving  my parking lot so I could get to school on time. Did I mention that I had my supervisor from my college coming to observe me during my first period class this day too? Yeah, well I did and if I wasn't already nervous enough about that just throw a parked car into the equation and you really see a great side of me. Hoping that the owner of the vehicle was still out and about in the apartment building somewhere, I ran through every hallway looking for someone to move a damn vehicle before I tried to move it myself. I had no luck in this endeavor and had to wake up my wonderful brother at 7:30am to ask if I could borrow his truck. Mind you, we live on a farm so my brother has a big 'ol diesel Chevy Silverado and it is his 'baby.' I mean 'baby' when I say that too, because I got a text later in the day asking if his 'baby' was okay...I of course responded with "dead" just for shiggles.  I for sure felt like the cool kid driving to school that day. To say the least, the person who had parked the car behind me received a nice little note from me that afternoon when I got back....I hope they learned their lesson, because that was just plain rude. But I sincerely want to thank my brother for allowing me to drive his "baby" for the day!

Alrighty, I think I have vented enough for one night....Have a great Lenten season!

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