Saturday, February 1, 2014

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Stop!

This has been a year of snow for sure! I can't remember the last time that I've seen a year this snowy before. I do remember the Blizzard of 1998 where we were out of power for days and we kept warm by sleeping in the basement next to the fireplace. 

This year has been an interesting one for sure with all this snow.  With the wind blowing we definitely had some interesting snow drifts pop up around our house. It really made it hard to get in and out of the house!

The drift had to be downsized a little so that we could get in the house, but the top of the drift was halfway in front of the door! 

This winter it's been hard to get out and do things outside with temperatures being so cold. But I've found that cold temps do not keep my husband from doing what he loves: Ice Fishing. He is out on a lake or a pond just about every weekend trying to catch those fish (or sometimes just a cold!) I've learned too, that if you want to spend time with your hubby you will try new things that he loves, so I went ice fishing with him! I've only been once and out of the 24 fish that we caught, I caught 3 of them....3. I'm a competitive person sometimes and I wasn't happy with my catches of the day, but it was still fun being on the ice and spending time with Ryan.

Having a winter like this makes me really excited about spring and summer. I can't wait to start planting my garden and harvesting the fresh produce....nothing like biting into a freshly picked sun-warmed tomato! YUM! And of course with the return of summer means that we get to welcome our little bundle of joy into the world! We are getting excited and can't wait to start working on the baby's nursery! 

The start of our garden last year, 2013.

As I'm sitting here watching the snow fall again, I can't help but notice the beauty of freshly fallen snow. Its very calm out today and everything has a clean white blanket on it. The trees are beautiful with their snow covered branches.  But it's cold out and I'm tired of snow, so I wouldn't mind if this all melted and we had some 60 or 70 degree weather! Bring on the warm weather! 

County Fair, Summer 2013

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