Well, I haven't written anything for quite some time. I was talking with my sister Ruth and she got me thinking about writing for my blog again...so here I am!
There has been quite a few life changes since my last posting! I graduated from Purdue in May with my teaching degree, but I have yet to find a teaching job! Finding a job is a lot harder than it looks. I'm going to just keep applying and hope for the best! I also moved back home with my parents. I love my parents to death, but after living on your own for 4 years it's a hard transition! I'm working on it though to make the best of the situation, especially because you can't beat free rent and food!

Graduation Day at Purdue University with my parents and my sisters and their husbands, May 2012.
My dear Grandmother also passed away this May (the day after my graduation actually). Grandma lived with my family for about 6 years. My mom was her primary caretaker and we all loved having Grandma around. It was a hard time watching her take her last breath, but we all know that she is now celebrating in heaven with the good Lord and Grandpa and saving a place for all of us to meet her one day.

This is one of the last pictures that we have of Grandma with some of her daughters and Grand-daughters taken in March 2012.
My oldest sister, Ruth, is pregnant with twins! Yes, I said TWINS!!! It's such an exciting time to see her belly growing and we all can't wait to meet the two new little ones...I LOVE BABIES!!! I'm almost glad that I don't have a full time job right so that I can help her as much as possible. Her due date is supposed to be October 19, 2012. I say 'supposed to be' because she most likely wont make it until then. She has already been in the hospital with some contraction. Luckily she is back home and is still cooking those babies! Hopefully, she can make it a few more weeks...the longer cooking time the better!

This is my Prego sister Ruth...she is 31 1/2 weeks!
My love life has been something to talk about lately as well...at least my family loves to talk about it. I have met a special boy and he has kinda stolen my heart already! I think he fits right in with the family too! He loves to talk about farming with my Dad and brothers and has that smart-ass attitude that we all have...I find this a necessary in any relationship because my family can get a little sarcastic with one another! I'm sure there will be plenty to write about Ryan later though...oh yeah did I mention that his name is Ryan?? Well, it is. I found this hilarious because we always said that I would bring home a guy who had a similar name to my brother-in-laws. My brother-in-laws are Brian and Brandon...and now we have a Ryan to add to the mix! haha...try and say those three names fast...gets a little confusing!
Oh well, I think that's enough writing for today...time to think about my next posting!